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Hawthorne Elementary teacher wins KCSD Teacher of the Year

Hawthorne Elementary physical education teacher Kate Della Vedova was surprised when she won the Keokuk Community School District (KCSD) Teacher of the Year award on Monday, Dec. 11, at Hawthorne.

“Kate goes above and beyond for our students and does a lot behind the scenes,” Meghan Davis, Hawthorne Elementary and Torrence Preschool Principal, said. “She never seeks recognition for anything and she truly demonstrates K-Pride.”

Della Vedova was nominated because she makes students feel special and valued and uses humor and creativity in her teaching. The KCSD nominating committee went on to say that she is committed to students and education.

This year, like the last 30 years, a KCSD committee went through the process to nominate a Teacher of the Year candidate in the KCSD. The committee membership varies, but is composed of representatives from the community, students, administrators, as well as past recipients.

Every year the Iowa Department of Education nominates one candidate from Iowa for the national Teacher of the Year distinction and each school district may nominate an individual for state consideration, Della Vedova is the KCSD candidate for state consideration. To be equitable to all grade levels, the Keokuk Teacher of the Year is selected on a rotating basis of elementary and secondary, with this year’s rotation landing on elementary.

The public and district were asked to nominate candidates with specific examples that demonstrate each educator’s best qualities. Each nomination was submitted on a form and supporting letters from parents, peers, students, and members of the community demonstrating the involvement and impact the nominee has had on education were accepted.

For more information on the Iowa Teacher of the Year award, go to

PHOTO CAPTION: Kate Della Vedova was surprised with the Teacher of the Year honor at Hawthorne Elementary on Monday, Dec. 11.

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