Lunch Policy

In grades K-7th, after three lunches are charged, a letter will be sent home with the student, and the lunch clerk of that building will attempt to contact the parent/guardian stating that their child needs to bring a sack lunch from home until the child’s account is paid up. If the child does not bring money or a sack lunch the next day, nutrition services will provide a cheese sandwich and milk. Payment for these lunches will be charged to the students account. The parent/guardian will be contacted to make payment arrangements.

Breakfast Policy

In grades K-7th , after three breakfasts are charged, a letter will be sent home with the student letting the parent/guardian know that their child needs to eat a breakfast at home until their charges are paid up. If the child’s account is in arrears, only milk or juice will be provided.

End of the year Negative Balances

In grades K-7th , negative balances will be carried over to the following school year. These negative balances must be taken care of prior to school starting as a part of the school registration process. Parents with accounts in arrears will be asked to send a lunch from home until negative balances have been taken care of or a payment schedule arranged and adhered to. In grades 8-12, no charges/negative balances will be allowed.

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